I love this recipe for how well it uses up left over rice (from delivery chinese food), hot links and veggies! I usually make it...
Saw this recipe on face book for a Weight Watcher cheezie dip. I had tried whipped cottage cheese earlier in the year and found it...
I found these beauties on one of my favorite blogs – Oregon Cottage. She made then as Quick & Rich Mini Chocolate Truffle Cakes. Her...
Another adventure from the british baking show. I kept hearing folks make these during the show, they turned them into a bunch of different things...
Originally posted this back a while, long enough that the tool for the recipes went under… We still enjoy quinoa, always a treat, generally pick...
This recipe has been around for a while. I thought it would be fun for a pot luck or something where we needed a large...
I found this recipe on one of my favorite sites, and thought it could be fun. I’ve made it a couple times, and like that...
I found this recipe on Yummy a while ago, and i’ve made it in a couple different ways. We have made it with the wrong...
I found this recipe on one of my favorite food bloggers – 100 days of real Food! The regular recipe calls for chicken thighs, but...