As we roll into January and the snow has finally fallen, it’s time to warm the tummy with some soup! Here are some of my...
Christmas is over but you still need something. sweet, right? Ever buy a packages of Andes Candies and think, i can’t eat the whole thing…...
Such a tasty recipe, and easy preparation for a mid week meal. Decided to take this oldie but goodie and ratchet it up. Original recipe...
It’s time to get cooking so you have something to leave santa on christmas eve. Here are some of my favorite offerings.. I tried to...
Another fantastic option from Betty Crocker! Definitely quick and easy weeknight meal! It is a fun way to get your veggies and seasoned chicken cooked...
I found a recipe I wanted to try, but. one of ingredients was a package of fajita seasoning, so I decided to make my own!...
Interestingly mayonnaise is really not that hard to make. In the honor of waste-not-want-not i do occasionally make my own mayo when i have the...
This delightful recipe is a great option for a small household or a large potluck! When the neighbors’s trees are still tossing apples into your...
Here is a fun list of some of the favorite things I have purchased this year from Amazon that made a difference for me! Maybe...