I finally had a reason to try and make these little wonders! It was a girls weekend, so i knew it was time to try them!

Original recipe was found at My Merry Messy Life – such great options for essential oils and other flowers or add ins.
Shower Steamers
- 2 cups baking soda
- 1 cup citric acid
- Water (spray bottle, 3 sprays max)
- Optional:
- 30 drops total of whatever essential oil combo you choose (eucalytus, wintergreen lavender)
- dried rose petals or lavender buds
- Add the 2 cups of baking soda and 1 cup of citric acid to a bowl
- if using, Crumble up flowers
- Use a spray bottle and add water a spray at a time, mixing in between.
- Mixture should be the texture of sand and clumps well.
- If using, Add the essential oils
- Press the shower mixture into the molds, packing in fairly tightly.
- If it bubbles up and over, there is too much water in the mixture. You can put back in the bowl and add a few more tablespoons of baking soda, or just keep pressing it down as it bubbles and it will stop eventually!
- Leave mixture in flat location to dry for approximately 24-36 hours.
- Optional:
- Once steamers are hard add a drop or 2 of essential oils to the streamers.
- Also can wait until you will be using the steamers to add a drop of the essential oil to it. Keep the oils fresh.
The full recipe makes a lot, like a lot – so maybe start with half a recipe.
I definitely think adding the oil after they are hard is the best option, especially if you make the full recipe, then you can change it up to make it a spa day with lavender, refreshing with orange, help with a cold using eucalyptus or wintergreen.
Find some molds that bring you joy – i have flowers (ikea), lego people, tiny hearts and more.
Tossing them into the shower corner before you turn it out, make them fizz just a touch and give off the scent you added!
Enjoy and if you try this recipe let me know what you think!