I am still looking for ways to up my fiber intake and this recipe definitely does the trick and it’s tasty to boot! I changed...
Had this recipe for a while, got it off of real simple and thought the walnut topping would be fun. I had most of the...
When i saw this recipe, I knew it was something we needed to try! I loved the idea of making it thicker with beans and...
The tomatillo plant has been producing like crazy, and the cucumbers too, but the tomatoes just wont turn red. I went on the hunt for...
The original recipe was called – Green Chicken Chile Enchilada Soup – Crockpot Over time i have split the recipe in half, storing half in...
This was delightful! I really loved how it came together and how delicious it was! I’ve had this recipe on deck thanks to Jami at...
As we roll into January and the snow has finally fallen, it’s time to warm the tummy with some soup! Here are some of my...
Kale is a pretty hardy plant! It will fair pretty well through the winter as well. It will bolt but still be pretty tasty! We...
Really – cucumber soup? Is it gross? Does it taste like warm cucumbers? Yes and no across the board. Honsestly I have had cucumber soup...