I finally got to the reason for buying this cookbook. I heard the pod cast with Dan Pashman and thought i had to make this recipe. I would definitely like to enjoy this dish if someone else made it, the way I made it, was just… anh.
#10 Spaghetti All’Assassina
Not a ton of ingredients, but fun to see what a little can do to create a dish. Not a fun clean up process.

#11 Cavatelli with Roasted Artichokes and preserved lemon
This was one of the recipes that drew me in the first time i flipped through this cookbook. I immediately hopped on amazon and ordered up some preserved lemons!
This was a fun recipe but still was was lacking the amazingness i had hoped. Such yummy ingredients should have created an amazing meal.

#12 Kheema Bolognese
This is the second to last recipe that I have decided to try in this cookbook.
The ingredient list is pretty daunting, but just line up all the spices, in the right order, measure all the things!

Of all the recipes, this was the tastiest!
As our normal, i did cut the recipe in half and it was still 4 servings!
I think there could have been more heat! I did trade out a thai chili for the serrano (it was what i had on hand!) and i could have used more! I did have the onion macerated, the carrot shredded, and poblando diced small.
The end result was great!

#13 Ma Po Cavatelli
I was so excited about this recipe i apparently forgot to take a single picture.
I was so excited for this recipe. We love Ma Po. In this recipe to tofu becomes part of the sauce. The normal ingredients in our favorite were missing from this so it was definitely more smokey and less exciting than I had hoped. I anticipate redoing the recipe with our ingredient and mixing it up a bit. We’ll see.
Final Verdict for the cookbook. If you normally eat pasta and want to mix it up, go for it! If you normally cook ethnic types of recipes and don’t normally eat pasta, this might not be the cook book for you.
I gave it my best try! I received 5 new cookbooks for christmas (that i totally did not need) so i have other adventures to get onto. As you recall last fall, I also was told that my cholesterol was too high, so i’ll be spending the next couple bits with my mediteranean diet cook book!