Decided to give this a try, it was a fun and tasty – not amazing, but tasty! Found this in a book from the library...
I love my frittatas and my egg muffins! When i got my instant pot I found a new recipe in one of the cook books...
I recently got an instant pot and got a bunch of cookbooks from the library. One of them included an Indian best of instant pot....
At christmas we enjoyed a ton of food made by our friend. We had a giant ham donated by another friend. We were instructed to...
This started as a weird conversation with our expat friends that live in Amsterdam. Amsterdam the land of all potatoes in all different way doesn’t...
Ages ago I found the best pesto recipe that I have ever used. (of course i modified it from the original, usually left out the...
The bounty of the fresh grown veggies continues! The zucchini plants just keep giving! I’ve started shredding and freezing and while some were still draining...
Once you make your first batch of apple butter you realize just how much output there is from smooshed and pureed apples! Back to the...
After i experimented with my neighbors apples and created apple butter and realized I had a whole bunch of something that was not exciting to...