Originally posted this back a while, long enough that the tool for the recipes went under… We still enjoy quinoa, always a treat, generally pick...
My hubby loves to garden! The problem is he doesn’t like to eat vegetables. He is very proud of his harvest and on multiple occasions...
I found this recipe last year and it’s my goto meal when the hubby is out for the evening and there is a zucchini in...
My mom made this for years. Part of me wonders why one would turn on an over when it’s potato salad weather… but this is...
This is a great recipe, with a funny name, easy to make and has a fun secret ingredient of a can of tomato soup. The...
When I first saw this recipe I knew it would be fun, and yummy! I did change it up by roasting the riced cauliflower first....
This is another fun recipe that has been waiting to be made! Thanks to Costco and riced cauliflower, it doesn’t need fresh ingredients and can...
Had this recipe for a while, got it off of real simple and thought the walnut topping would be fun. I had most of the...
We used to make these when hubby tried 4 hour body. It’s a lovely replacement for rice, a good amount of heft, and a quick...