This year the spring frost gods looked kindly on my part of the world and allowed the apple tree blossoms to do their thing without interference! That means the 3 plus neighbors around me have trees with bounty and are happy to share!
So far i have made 3 batches of apple butter, supplied a neighbor with her favorite apple butter cinnamon rolls, left jars of the goodness on door steps and for the letter carrier, and made 1 batch of shortbread for the hubby.
Last year i bought an apple peeler (one that attaches to my kitchen aid) and that has been super fun to watch and a blessing for my knuckles that usually take the brunt of my hand peeler! (Pro tip – home grown apples are very water heavy – put a towel over the top of your machine to keep the splatter to a minimum)
The peeler attachment The fancy box Peeler attachment – in action
This year i bought an apple picker and am excited to try it out. We tried one when picking apples at a friend’s house and it’s great!
Also on deck as far a more recipes – will be some maple burbon apple butter that i will hot water can for christmas gifts and some additional apple butter shortbread with more white chocolate for the hubby!
The crockpot is definitely the tool of choice in combination with the immersion blender for making apple buter.
Original post on apple butter is here

Favorite things to make with apple butter:
Apple butter cinnamon rolls – topping can be made with light or full fat cream cheese, or just do a powdered sugar drizzle if someone in your life doesn’t like cream cheese frosting (aka the monster that is my husband)
the dough rolled out dough added butter and apple butter brown sugar the final result
Apple butter pie (omg – i love this pie, so delicious and delightful)

Glazed apple butter shortbread bars – one of the hubby’s favorite as well as a friend that moved away.

Let me know if try any of these recipes and what you think! I have a couple more on deck that i’ll keep you posted on! Yeah fall!
Please let me know your favorite apple butter recipes, i’m always looking for something new to try!