Yorkshire Pudding

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oh my goodness, such a weird name. Oh the british – why call something a pudding when it is not smooth, not a bread pudding, not eaten with a spoon… If you have not figured it out yet, this is a bread, it’s like a popover. Big or small, full of air and fluffy and delightful!

We saw this on the junior british baking show. It was supposed to be a portion of the item they were making. We decided to just try the yorkshire pudding portion / the base.

It is a pretty easy recipe to make and honestly any size pan, muffin pan, pie tin etc will work – how cool is that.

Slap some butter or nutella on it.


Wow! Who knew you could make a popover that didn’t fall.

This is a fabulous, quick, tasty, versatile treat!

Still don’t get why it is called a pudding, but i’ll get over that eventually!

If you try this, let me know what you think!