I’ve had this recipe hanging around for a little while. It was a hot day so I decided to not heat up the kitchen and...
Found this recipe that originally was for shredded chicken and sandwiches. But the flavor caricature is fantastic! I like to make tacos with the results!...
Super simple, 3 ingredients, joy in the belly! Found this ages ago and thought… Can’t be good with so few ingredients, right? Finally tried it...
We love us some beer can chicken. I saw this recipe at Betty Crocker and was so excited to give it a try, I got...
Back in the saddle again, they say! I seem to still be having a tough time getting my work schedule in alignment with my ability...
Saw this ditty in an email from Yummly and just had to give it a try – my way of course… Original recipe had a...
The original hoisin chicken is an amazing recipe Fabulous for pre-prep or I have also frozen the chicken and the sauce after pre-prep for use...
This might be as close to “take out” as I’ve ever come. Most of the time when the recipe claims just like take out –...
Koren chicken – this is a totally versatile recipe! You can blend nationalities and go with tortillas and have korean tacos. Stick with lettuce leaves...