This is another fun recipe that has been waiting to be made! Thanks to Costco and riced cauliflower, it doesn’t need fresh ingredients and can...
I have had this recipe (thank you twopeasandtheirpod) on deck for a while, and probably bought the malt powder a year or so ago to...
Really it’s more a fancier shrimp and grits, but so delightful! I make this every few months and always forget to take a picture! I...
I’ve made this recipe a couple times and it’s such a great flavor. This time I decided to make just portion, with just some meat,...
These are a fun cookie to make, and a sprinkle of sugar or salt on top just give it that extra pop! They don’t work...
This was originally for the crockpot, but we recently bought a ninja air fryer and decided maybe putting the chicken in that would be an...
I love this recipe! It’s easy, the outcome is grand and it’s all done in an hour with just 1 stir and dump! Hubby will...
Today is Valentine’s day and the way to anyone’s heart is thru the stomach, right? Here are some of my favorite desserts! Happy Valentines or...
Had this recipe for a while, got it off of real simple and thought the walnut topping would be fun. I had most of the...