This had been in the todo list for a while thanks to Gourmet Done Skinny, but I either didn’t have bacon or didn’t want to...
We found this recipe ages ago and it fell out of rotation. Not sure why.. Decided to bring it back as a side dish for...
It’s paco’s 12th birthday this year. Say what? how is that possible? Each year I make a different type of puppy cake for paco (for...
I got some interesting cookie cutters recently and have been experimenting with different recipes to see which ones work best with the cutters… This little...
Found this recipe and it looked easy enough… Recently I got a new blender and thought it would be amazing… I thought it would do...
Saw this recipe recently on Two Peas and their Pod. Had to try it for a friend that just loves peanut butter cookies and was...
This a wonderful bar recipe, and browning the butter just makes your kitchen smell delightful! Found it on Two Peas and their Pod and just...
This is such a wonderful way to enjoy chicken! The flavors, mmmm! I use just one pounded breast to feed 2 of us, expand the...
Original recipe called this hippie juice. I reworked the recipe to use what we had, and added some other things! It is terribly strong, cut...