This delightful recipe is a great option for a small household or a large potluck! When the neighbors’s trees are still tossing apples into your...
Great option, quick weeknight dinner! I found this recipe originally on Betty Crocker and I saved it because of the picture and the fact that...
November 14th was the furever day for Mr Paco (and winston if he was still with us). Mr Paco danced around all day as i...
My new most favorite way to make hot sauce! I was looking for other ways to use up some of the large bounty of jalapenos...
What happens when you make potato salad, realized you don’t have mayonaise, then make mayonnaise and then have a random egg white just sitting there...
I may have mentioned that i have multiple neighbors and friends with apple trees. Along the path of. waste not want not I just can’t...
This will be perfected for many recipes and many years to come. I am absolutely sure of that. I have a friend that originally introduced...
We decided to try and grow potatoes this year. We found a “box” at lowe’s and decided, why not… Generally we try to stay away...
This year the spring frost gods looked kindly on my part of the world and allowed the apple tree blossoms to do their thing without...