I’ve had this in my recipe list for a while. It turned out delightful and half a recipe worked great for our small family unit....
Last week, we started with the hot sauce, let’s finish up with using it in this Salsa Verde recipe. This is such a fun recipe,...
This was a decadent and delightful meal! Decided to make it for me and to share with the neighbors! The original recipe called for a...
We had a friend over that was not able to have any spice, so I decided to shift this recipe a little to make it...
The tomatillo plant has been producing like crazy, and the cucumbers too, but the tomatoes just wont turn red. I went on the hunt for...
The tomatillo plant is producing like mad! So cute and adorable! A friend suggested salsa verde – so i found a wonderful gem and decided...
When your garden only gives your green tomatoes… And this year you decided to also grow a tomatillo plant, if only an avocado tree would...
This wonderful meal has been in the rotation for greater than 10 years! It’s definitely a keeper and has been only slightly enhanced, and updated...
The original recipe was called – Green Chicken Chile Enchilada Soup – Crockpot Over time i have split the recipe in half, storing half in...