I mentioned I had found a version on line to make wine slushie mix at home. We have tried the original with both red wine and white wine. Hubby likes it with red wine better, i liked it with the white better. But really, can you turn down a cup of wine slushie?
I had a lime and a lemon in the fridge and sent hubby for an orange to try another version from the recipe i found on line – Thank you Celebration Generation – to try a Sangria Verizon.

Wine Slushie Mix – Sangria Version
- 1 ⅔ – 1 ¾ Cups Granulated Sugar (Less for if using a sweeter wine, more for a dry wine)
- 1 ½ teaspoon Citric Acid
- 1 lime
- 1 lemon
- 1 orange
- Measure all ingredients into a food processor.
- Zest one orange, one lemon, and one lime on top of the measured ingredients
- Run the food processor for a minute or two, to finely process the sugar and evenly distribute the ingredients.
- Pour powdered mix into a baggie or airtight container until ready to use.
- To Make Wine Slush:
- Pour 1 batch of mix into a 1 gallon freezer bag (or large bowl).
- Add 1 750 ml bottle of wine, and 3 cups of water.
- Stir/shake well.
- Freeze for about 3-6 hours before serving in glasses of your choice.
- Shave every hour or so if you remeber
Delightful, harder to make a gift as the zest is fresh – so dry it well if you will be holding on to it (I generally make the mix and make the slushie…)
Definitely a citrus hit, my tongue gets tingly and makes other food nots as tasty – probably a me thing.
It was fun to have the zest at the bottom of your glass as you made your way through the drink.
Definitely try to shake the mix as it is freezing for a better mix of the zest. Picture above does not do the mix justice, but the color was vibrant with the zest!
We made it this time with white wine which I enjoyed, hubby not so much.