When your garden give your mint, what do you do? All the things! Mint simple syrup first, then dry the leaves for tea all year long, then virgin mojitos! Hello summer!

Mint Simple Syrup
Waste Not Want Not
Serving Size
1-2 tbl in your drink
Prep Time
5 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Wait Time
2 hours
Total Time
35 minutes
- 2 cups water
- 1/2-3/4 cup sugar
- 3/4 cup fresh mint leaves
- Combine ingredients in a medium sauce pan on high heat
- Stir until sugar is integrated
- Once mixture boils, set to low/simmer for 15 minutes – or more.
- Strain mixture into a bottle or jar with a cover
- Suggested no more than 2 weeks in the fridge, can also add a drop of vodka to stave off going bad as quickly.
- Once complete, take the mint leaves and dry on wax paper for a sugary mint treat

Lovely way to get some flavor in your water or tea and use natural items from your yard.
You can up the sugar to 1:1, i like to keep my sugar ratio lower!
If you try it let me know what you think!