Hubby’s stand by lunch is cottage cheese with of all things key lime yogurt (and only yoplait, preferably whipped). I cannot account for taste, but that is truly not the point of this story. He ended up having to travel for work and his bucket o cottage cheese from costco was at risk of not lasting the duration of his trip.
He suggested i use it up if the opportunity arrised.
Down the rabbit hole i went to see what i could make! OH my goodness y’all, so much and many things I now have on deck for future adventure.
I found a couple different whipped dip options and tried a couple. I started with just the basic 2 cups of cottage cheese whipped. Who knew you just dumped it into the cuisinart, turn it on for a few minutes and whala – magic happens!

The base with nothing added is quite flavorful and a bit of a nice salty bite. Dipping cherry tomatoes is kind of like eating bon bons on the couch, just a little different! Also not amazing to look at, but don’t let that fool you.
I tried a version with my normal dill dip recipe, and it was just, eh… I tried with some other spice combos and again, just not amazing…
But just plain – oh yea!
Give it a try and let me know what you think or how you doctored it!