Choux Pastry

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Another adventure from the british baking show. I kept hearing folks make these during the show, they turned them into a bunch of different things – cream puffs, eclairs and more.

I first tried these with a friend when we decided to cook a bunch of stuff we had been wanting to try and just do it!

I mixed up some of the instructions that time. I was away for vacation, and brought 5 pounds of flour with me just to bake bread and try these again! Yup – i sure know how to vacation!

This time, i again mixed some things up. I went with a different recipe than I had used the first time, and it mentioned weight of the ingredient. I didn’t have a scale so I asked siri. I either was not quite correct on how i asked my question or she got it wrong… the flour amount was wrong and I knew it about half way through but decided to bake them anyway.

I remade the recipe with the one i had used before and it looked so much better! There was no kitchenaid, and bread blade, but all in all the cuisinart with the regular blade worked just as well!

We enjoyed them with a nice charcuterie!


Fun and easy to make! Excited to try it with whipped cream or chocolate!

If you try this recipe let me know what you think!