Cranberry Dog Treats

For me, my fur-babies are my real babies. So making them treats that i know and can pronounce all the ingredients is important to me! And it’s a serious money savings as well!


One day i came across a Rachel Ray recipe for cherry crunchies – dog cookies.

The ingredients were doable and i had dried cranberries in the cabinet anyway… (kind of the say – red, dried…) so why not give it a go!

This was my first foray into making homemade treats for my kids and i haven’t looked back since.

This recipe will make 100 or more small cookies, but my insert wouldn’t allow more than 20 in the servings info!




Cut outs

Note: i did research originally regarding the food safety of cranberries for pets and didn’t find any negative information on it, nor any information really. I recently did another search and there is about 25% that indicate raw cranberries might be bad, due to upset tummies, but most of that info was based on trying to cure a UTI. I’m not trying to cure a UTI and the fruits are very small after processing and cooked at high temps. But take care to choose what options work for your pet and their digestive needs.

Other options for healthy dog treats include shredded carrots or cooked spaghetti squash, and less water. I’ll got full posts on those later!