I forgot how much I enjoyed this recipe! It has so much flavor with not a ton of calories! I loved how easy it was...
Last week, we started with the hot sauce, let’s finish up with using it in this Salsa Verde recipe. This is such a fun recipe,...
As the tomatillo plant is the only overly producing plant in the garden this summer, finding new and different ways to use them up was...
I had made a recipe similar to this but ended up making slider buns. This time around I wanted to enjoy one of the last...
This was a decadent and delightful meal! Decided to make it for me and to share with the neighbors! The original recipe called for a...
The original recipe from Averie Cooks called for a frosting, but i decided to skip that part, they were definitely decadent again. I couldn’t wait...
This was a wonderful find from Dizzy Buzy and Hungry. The full recipe had bacon and used a 6 quart – i modified it since...
We had a friend over that was not able to have any spice, so I decided to shift this recipe a little to make it...
The tomatillo plant has been producing like crazy, and the cucumbers too, but the tomatoes just wont turn red. I went on the hunt for...