I try to give hubby a way to get veggies. I expanded this recipe from Rachel Ray to include a full 12 ounces of frozen...
Another fun adventure from Betty Crocker. I got to use my big cast iron pan – always a treat! And it’s neat to see how...
This was delightful! I really loved how it came together and how delicious it was! I’ve had this recipe on deck thanks to Jami at...
You can make your own beans in the instant pot. 2 cups of dry beans give you approximately 3 cans of beans. Don’t need an...
This will be perfected for many recipes and many years to come. I am absolutely sure of that. I have a friend that originally introduced...
Kale is a pretty hardy plant! It will fair pretty well through the winter as well. It will bolt but still be pretty tasty! We...
Really – cucumber soup? Is it gross? Does it taste like warm cucumbers? Yes and no across the board. Honsestly I have had cucumber soup...
The garden is going gangbusters – ok, well, just the kale and bok choi! But since there was so much and I had seen this...
Such a fabulous, refreshing, delightful salad! Love to bring it to group outings or pair it with our Spicy Flank for dinner! The first time...