Never Ending DIY Wipes

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I used to be the queen of the clorox wipes!

We bought the costco size for a household of 2 adults and 2 small dogs.

I used them on everything! Counters, Stove, Sink, Door knobs, Handles, Elliptical and more…

Once and a while my fingers would tingle and kind of loose their finger prints for a while, but, meh, all in the name of cleanliness.

Then I started to hear the stories of children getting sick, because their parents cleaned their high chair or toys with the wipes…  Say what?

As I got more into the DIY home cleaning and knowing what i was cleaning with, i thought, there has got to be a way to make my own.

I went through a lot of trials and options. Even did the one where you use paper towels – giant fail for me, and FYI – don’t use costco brand paper towels.

DIY Wipes - Version 1 - so big DIY Wipes Version 1 - cut DIY Wipes - Version 1

But I really didn’t want to use paper towels, i wanted something i could wash, or worst case if it all went terribly bad, i could toss it and not feel bad.

Finally i found the combo of cut up old shirts and the liquid mixture that is the best-est!

DIY Never Ending Wipes

For me, this is a super win! I think the Sunflower Tahini containers are the best for these! I have one under the sink, one in the upstairs bathroom, one on the roof deck, and i even made a baby one to take camping with “instant” cloths. Not as green, but definitely better that the chemical wipes!