Japanese Pancake (okonomiyaki)

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I took a cooking class with some coworkers at a local cooking school. It was japanese small plates. So many good yummies!

We made these pancakes and we were super excited about it. We had a vegetarian with us so we definitely upped our veggies! When we were cooking these in class it was clear we got too excited about the veggies and we didn’t have enough batter to hold our pancakes together!

This time i was making it at home for the hubbie and generally i hide the veggies so we did a little less veggies and it really did the trick.

I cheated and picked up a bag of slaw instead of getting a head of cabbage, had some shredded carrots in the freezer, and a sweet potato that I shredded half. It gave us a nice amount of veggies.

I chose to make the pancakes smaller mainly because in class, we had to flip it with the pan… so at home, no thank you! I did a couple in a regular non-stick pan, and a couple in a cast iron. I liked the texture on the cast better.

I have made dashi a while prior for a tofu dish we had made in class, so I was able to take some from the freezer and easily add it to the dish.

That meant i had Bonito flakes for topping them off! I also made kewpie mayonnaise and okonomiyaki sauce. Hubby didn’t really like the okonomiyaki sauce, but I enjoyed it!

Verdict: I love these. I could eat them at least once a week. Still working on the hubby!

This recipe listed as is, is 1/2 the recipe and it makes 2 pancakes, so perfect for a couple. Double or more for your group/family size

If you try this recipe let me know what you think!