Such a tasty recipe, and easy preparation for a mid week meal. Decided to take this oldie but goodie and ratchet it up. Original recipe...
Another fantastic option from Betty Crocker! Definitely quick and easy weeknight meal! It is a fun way to get your veggies and seasoned chicken cooked...
Great option, quick weeknight dinner! I found this recipe originally on Betty Crocker and I saved it because of the picture and the fact that...
This is a wonderful option for that left over beer can chicken you just made on the grill. I tend to over season with the...
This is a fun meal to make, less work than the real thing and you get to pop the lid of your crock pot (oh...
Adapted from Betty Crocker recipe. I’m still surprised how good some of their recipes are! I changed this to be just for 2 and used...
This one had been in the list to make for a couple months. It seemed a fun recipe, easy and could quickly put it together....
This has been in our recipe rotation for years. Takes some planning as we don’t keep sliced ham in the house… But when the planets...
As i have mentioned before, somehow i ended up on the Betty Crocker email list. Every time i think i should unsubscribe, something yummy comes...