With my friend going strong with brewing beer, i have plenty of ingredients to try new things! I also still had some apple butter from...
Ages ago I found the best pesto recipe that I have ever used. (of course i modified it from the original, usually left out the...
In the spirit of multi-denomenational eating… Let’s go gluten full! This is a nice breakfast that can be made ahead or prepped the night before....
I’ve been on the hunt for yummy but easy meals at camp! Last year i found a recipe for mac n cheese in mini tins...
I’ve had this recipe in the repertoire for a long time. I love the option of making them in all different ways – how fun...
It’s a funny thing – when the hubby and i run a conference, we end up with random leftover stuff. Like a box of snack...
I discovered this recipe years ago when i had a whole left over turkey breast from honey baked ham store, and some beer that we...
In the honor of waste not want not – i have a quick little project for something to do with your left over high school...
How bout a little dessert to keep the tummy happy! I mistakenly bought a second bottle of Strawberry jelly. We only use it for peanut...