How bout a little dessert to keep the tummy happy! I mistakenly bought a second bottle of Strawberry jelly. We only use it for peanut...
Don’t you hate when you get to the bottom of the chip bag? All those little annoying pieces that can’t be dipped unless you use...
I used to get the shredded parmesan cheese at costco, as i used it in many recipes. Then i took a look at the price...
Carrots! You buy them, usually for just 1 or 2 to use in a recipe. I’ve got some options for how to deal with the...
I love jalapenos and hot peppers in my foods. I tend to over buy! I get excited! 19 cents a pound – yes please! I...
Ah lemons! They do so much, but only last so long. True story – one of my first forays into cooking included a recipe that...
I’m a big proponent of keeping waste, and especially food waste to a minimum. Waste Not Want Not is a little tag line i’ll be...