Don’t you hate when you get to the bottom of the chip bag? All those little annoying pieces that can’t be dipped unless you use...
I used to get the shredded parmesan cheese at costco, as i used it in many recipes. Then i took a look at the price...
Carrots! You buy them, usually for just 1 or 2 to use in a recipe. I’ve got some options for how to deal with the...
I love jalapenos and hot peppers in my foods. I tend to over buy! I get excited! 19 cents a pound – yes please! I...
Ah lemons! They do so much, but only last so long. True story – one of my first forays into cooking included a recipe that...
I’m a big proponent of keeping waste, and especially food waste to a minimum. Waste Not Want Not is a little tag line i’ll be...