Carrots! You buy them, usually for just 1 or 2 to use in a recipe. I’ve got some options for how to deal with the...
This is one of the easiest DIY laundry recipes, you will ever find! For HE washing machines – add it to the detergent compartment with...
This is a fun little recipe that uses not too many ingredients and is refreshing on a hot day or with a hot dish! The...
Honestly you can eat these yourself, and i’ve had husband’s of friend mistakenly chow down on other treats meant for a furry friend to no...
This recipe is one of the oldest recipes from the marriage with my hubby. We love this recipe! We upped the heat from the original,...
I love jalapenos and hot peppers in my foods. I tend to over buy! I get excited! 19 cents a pound – yes please! I...
This is a family staple, and even if it isn’t pre-prepped, it isn’t a long cook time and can make a weekday meal seem amazing!...
To glom onto my previous post regarding spent grain and what it is… I’m started using the spent grain in my dog treats. I spent...
The newest (ok, not so new) entrant into the hip and cool ingredient pool of the day. I was first introduced to this wonder when...