Found this recipe, of all places, in an instant pot recipe – so funny when recipe books reach a bit to put a recipe in. This recipe was for cooking the eggs… but the sauce was an interesting and fun touch. Not something I’ll make a lot, but it was interesting!

Soy Sauce Eggs
Serving Size
1 egg
Prep Time
20 minutes
Total Time
20 minutes
- 6 eggs (hard boiled)
- 1/2 cup tamari
- 2 tbl honey
- 2 tbl rice wine vinegar
- Whisk together Tara, honey and rice wine vinegar. Set aside
- Peel eggs
- Marinate in mixture in refrigerator overnight in a lidded bowl.
- Cut eggs in half lengthwise and serve.
It’s an easy recipe, waiting the full overnight is probably the hardest part!

It can be even easier if you use pre hardboiled from the store… No-one is judging you!