Paleo Hummus

I found this ditty in a book from the library – “Idiots guide to paleo slow cooking”

We had been working with cauliflower and this looked like a fun new way to get more veggies and be yummy!

Boy oh boy were we right and this recipe is beyond versatile! The original recipe was just the cauliflower oil and spices. From there i updated the “roasting” to include onion (to extend the amount of output), garlic (to get that mmmm roasted flavor), jalapeno (to add some nice kick), carrots (a nice way to add MORE veggies!)

All in all it’s amazingly versatile – oh wait, i said that – well i mean it! Next I hope to do red pepper and maybe see if i can hide some spinach in there too!


[buymeapie-recipe id=’29’] I absolutely love this recipe! I love that i can be done in a crock pot, that the outcome is beyond smooth, and it’s veggies in a paste!

A pro tip i also love it keeping the oil drips off the counter with handy cozies. Check it out here!