Interestingly mayonnaise is really not that hard to make. In the honor of waste-not-want-not i do occasionally make my own mayo when i have the need to use an egg white or 2 for something else.
Recently a plan to spend a little bit of time in the kitchen took a turn to the if then else rabbit hole of hell…
Hubby comes into the house with a large bowl of potatoes from the garden. He was checking on where the squirrel had been digging and suddenly we have potatoes.
ok, let’s make potato salad to go with korean pork (the korean marinade from the korean chicken we normally make, but grilled outside)
I start to wash and chop the potatoes and just as i am putting them in the pan I realize i don’t have any hard boiled eggs. Fine, let’s start a pan of those.
As the potato are just about done, i go to get my ingredients for the potato salad. I head to the pantry to get a jar of avocado mayo (love this stuff, and costco sells it) and to my horror… i don’t have a back up.
Choice 4 letter words are said, disappointment in myself for not having planned better and then a decision… go to the store or make my own. I don’t feel like leaving the house, so home made it is.

Recently our blender stopped working and i haven’t made my decision on which blender i want – this one or this one or maybe none. I have a ninja with a blender and food processor attachments but they are sub par for small amount of blending and chopping… and take a lot longer to complete their task than the noise and sharpness of blade would make you think.
Long story longer, i decide to use my cuisinart to make the mayo. (don’t judge, i love to cook, so i have a lot of tools and appliances) What that means for you? Whatever tool(s) you have, it will work!
The instructions say slowly, but really it’s just the pouring slowly, the machine can go as whatever speed – i used the cuisinart last time and it only has on as the speed!
- 2 egg yolks
- 2 tsp white wine vinegar
- 1/2 tsp Dijon mustard
- 1/4 tsp kosher salt
- 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup olive oil – not flavored
- Add the yolks, vinegar, mustard, and salt to your blender or food processor and turn it on low.
- Pour the oil into your blender or processor SLOWLY while it blends, to allow the mixture to emulsify properly.
- Once the mixture has reached the desired texture, turn off the blender and transfer your mayo to a storage container.
Verdict: It’s a relatively quick and easy way to have mayonnaise and have less unknows and preservatives in it.
Definitely do not use flavored olive oil, it makes it taste a little weird. EVOO or olive oil both work!
Pro tip: if you have something that will have mayonnaise in it, try and make it in the same blender to get all the good bits!